Wednesday, February 23, 2011


What struck me most was that all of the interns said that what you learn durring internship will stick with you

forever. They said that you will remember this expeirience for the rest of your life, and its somthing you have

to prepare for. They also said that when you are approaching internship year (11th grade) that you should

look for your internship durring the summer because it helps, because all the internship opportunitys go by


In an internship i look for somthing that is going to help me in the real world. I also look for somthing that will

benifit me towards my future and goals. I look for an internship that will cordinate with what i want to persue

in life. One of the girls on internship talked about how she interned for a makeup artist company. She said

that what painted a picture for her was the interview that was a sucess by way of herself.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Suheir and Marjane pt 1

The connection between Suheir and Marjane is how she spoke of war. Suheir said smoke smoke smoke.

Which is what tide in to Marjanes life. Her whole poem was on war. Its as if she took you to iran in her

poem. My favorite part is when Suheir says smoke,smoke,smoke. Because it shows how after the bomb

hits it smokes. Suheir takes us there. Suheir must be from somewhere similar to iran. She spoke of it as if

she were in iran. Marjanes life kinda tied in with Suheirs speech, it almost sounded as if it was coming out

of Marjanes mouth. I could picture myself in Iran as she spoke, like she was telling a very long and detailed

story. It was very good.

Suheir and Marjane pt 1

The connection between Suheir and Marjane is how she spoke of war. Suheir said smoke smoke smoke.

Which is what tide in to Marjanes life. Her whole poem was on war. Its as if she took you to iran in her

poem. My favorite part is when Suheir says smoke,smoke,smoke. Because it shows how after the bomb

hits it smokes. Suheir takes us there. Suheir must be from somewhere similar to iran. She spoke of it as if

she were in iran. Marjanes life kinda tied in with Suheirs speech, it almost sounded as if it was coming out

of Marjanes mouth. I could picture myself in Iran as she spoke, like she was telling a very long and detailed

story. It was very good.

Suheir and Marjane pt 1

The connection between Suheir and Marjane is how she spoke of war. Suheir said smoke smoke smoke.

Which is what tide in to Marjanes life. Her whole poem was on war. Its as if she took you to iran in her

poem. My favorite part is when Suheir says smoke,smoke,smoke. Because it shows how after the bomb

hits it smokes. Suheir takes us there. Suheir must be from somewhere similar to iran. She spoke of it as if

she were in iran. Marjanes life kinda tied in with Suheirs speech, it almost sounded as if it was coming out

of Marjanes mouth. I could picture myself in Iran as she spoke, like she was telling a very long and detailed

story. It was very good.

Suheir and Marjane Pt 2

I think that Suheir was declaring war by how she was using her words. Many times Suheir said "These

motherfuckers ask me do i knw the terrorist. Because of my color." I think Suheird was declaring war on that

part because she hates the racism going on. Just because of her color...Thats messed up. Suheir mentioned

alot of death, and i think that she declared that a revolution. She said her brothers and sisters are being killed

and thats where the war ties in. Ther revolutionary is Suheir.

In Marjanes case. The revolution in the book was quite obvious. The sudden wearing of the veils, the

protest, the new strict laws. The war came from the numerous amounts of people ready to fight for their

rights. The revlutionary is not only one person but its all of the people ready to fight for their rights.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


My partner and i got the topic of islamic holidays. There are two main holidays in the Islamic culture, There is

Eid Al Fitr and Eid Ul Adha. On Eid Al Fitr, it marks the end of Ramadan. Ramadan is the Fasting Period.

When people attend the Celebration they Exchange gifts, they have a humungus feast, They wear nice

clothing, and they have prayer. Durring these celebrations they eat Shirkhoma a sweet desert made of nuts.

Durring Eid Ul Adha, They honor The sacrifice of the prophet abraham. Abraham sacrificed his son Ishmael

and They belive that go sent a lamb to his sons place as a reward for Abraham, being great. The islams kill

lambs and feed to the poor and less fortunate. The islams also have a community prayer durring Eid Ul Adha.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Sri Lanka Current Events"

My countrie is Sri Lanka and it is a little island outside of asia. Since Sri Lanka is a island it has no bordering

countries. In the Suri Lankan onlne news paper i read a very intresting article. It was about the Suri Lankan

minster of education. Dissandyke (the minister of higher education) offered an oppourtunity of a lifetime. He

promisd a free laptop to any of the higher Education students and the students attending a four year

university. This was a big suffer for this countrie because they dont make that much money. But the minister

noticed that the young adults and teenagers needed to be awarded for there work and determination towards


Government type: Repblic

Independence Day: February 4th